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18/365 John Way too smooth and charming with your accent and scars. Tube trains at Pimlico, and dinner at the Italian, I fell for the fun and won’t deny I enjoyed. Too much. You were one reason I gave up drinking. 19/365 Mark The friendly fireman, big and awkward but always smiling. You trod so softly I didn’t realise your intentions until you asked. It was surprise that turned me red and made me run. With time to think, I was sorry. 20/365 Jon A false start, then a bet that made me rage. Still, you became my first love and a more gentle soul I couldn’t have wished for. Romance and flowers, a teenage dream with a man too good for me. 21/365 Kevin One date was enough and why I was there, I can’t recall. Thought yourself clever and quite the catch, I thought boring and arrogant, though the money no doubt attracted some. You ran over that rabbit on purpose, pig! 22/365 Yan My dog’s vet, didn’t recognise you in the nightclub. Quite the cook, and quite the octopus when you weren’t telling outrageous tales of bad behaviour. My excuses were weak and you countered every one, until I spoke plain. 23/365 Martin Oh dear, I feel guilty. Nervous stuttering, no rhythm mixed with even less confidence. But the night was fun and I was drunk. It was just a kiss, or three; to me. A lesson learnt, which I haven’t forgotten. 24/365 Zac Yuck, yuck, YUCK! Don’t you know girls talk?! Did you seriously think I wanted to be number thirteen? Others might excuse the arrogance with the looks, but I didn’t think the looks were that impressive either! Good riddance. 25/365 Rob The slob. I shudder when I think you of touching me. Fear, not love, kept me captive. Love doesn’t leave bruises. Twisted, vicious bully. I thought there was supposed to be good in everyone, you proved the saying wrong. 26/365 Gerard I was seventeen, you were twenty-eight and I thought so sophisticated. Walks through the graveyard, and songs sung to guitar. Lack of honesty left me heartbroken, not just the name, but you had a girlfriend, why did you need another? 27/365 Lee So untroubled by the hand life dealt. Too shy to kiss, but our hands sweated with the hours of holding. Tug of war tournaments, days on the beach listening to Status Quo, and 50cc motorbike dreams leave me smiling. 28/365 Paul The Yacht Club chameleon, you made a fool of me and deserved my temper. By the way, don’t kiss after eating cheese and onion crisps - not nice for the ladies, but then, maybe your men don’t mind?! 29/365 Mike The American accent and Spanish words won my heart at the Ball. We waltzed through the night and into the morning, as we broke your ex’s heart. Shortly followed by yours a week later, when I changed my mind. Sorry. 30/265 Felix I laugh when I remember you!. The world traveller with trousers too tight and safety pins everywhere. A demi punk without the attitude. You never really stood a chance, but I couldn’t refuse you until I’d stopped laughing! Links to other Thursday Thirteens! dariana Karen Amy Sam |
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